The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork pilgrim coat, on an ongoing walk through Britain. Made, worn and walked by many hundreds of people during and since the pilgrimage on which it was created - from the south coast of England to the gates of COP 26, the UN climate summit, in Glasgow autumn 2021. The Coat is made up of pieces of blanket into which people have worked their griefs, remembrances, prayers and hopes for the place they call home.
The coat will be visiting Norwich from 27th February 2025 to March 22nd 2025. During this time it will be in the care of the Norwich Quakers at the Friends Meeting House in Goat Lane. The Coat will be made available for loan to community groups, faith groups and schools, where it can be worn with suitable care and, we hope, will stimulate discussion. When not on loan it will be on display at the Meeting House.
If you are interested in the Coat, please contact:
FAO Pete Belton
Coat of Hopes Itinerary
may be subject to change
Thursday 27th February Coat arrives in Norwich (further details later)
Saturday 1st March Norwich Peace Vigil. The Coat of Hopes will be displayed at Norwich Meeting House
3rd - 4th March The Coat of Hopes will be displayed at Town Close School
5th - 6th March (tbc)
Sunday 9th March The Coat of Hopes will be displayed Octagon Chapel
10th - 14th March
The Coat of Hopes will be displayed at Various Churches (further details tbc)
Saturday 15th March Act Locally Think Globally at Norwich Meeting House 10am
16th - 22nd March The Coat of Hopes will be displayed at Norwich Meeting House
Saturday 22nd March The Coat of Hopes leaves with Procession (further details tbc)